La Opinión: Demócratas del Senado urgen acción para Puerto Rico para marzo próximo

Para el estratega demócrata, Federico de Jesús, lo que la carta logra es “disuadir a los republicanos de imponerle una junta de control financiera a la isla sin que ésta vaya acompañada de permitirle a Puerto Rico acogerse a la bancarrota”. “Hasta ahora, el Congreso republicano no ha demostrado señales de querer ayudar a Puerto […]

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El Nuevo Día: Revive el debate federal

El Nuevo Día: Federal debate resurfaces “Until now, Congress has not shown wilingness to return the capacity of filing for Chapter 9 bankruptcy to Puerto Rico nor provide it with parity in federal health care funding. Republicans have so far introduced proposals that are not serious and although efforts to break the impasse should continue, […]

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CNN En Español: La deuda de Puerto Rico

CNN En Español: Puerto Rico’s debt Federico de Jesús, former Puerto Rico Washington office official, talks about the hearing where Gov. García Padilla spoke about the options for the island. Federico de Jesús, ex funcionario de oficina de PR en Washington, habla sobre audiencia en la que participó Gob. García Padilla y las opciones para la […]

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Entravisión: La campaña republicana después del debate

Entravisión: The Republican campaign after the debate We examine how the Republican campaign has evolved after the last debate sponsored by Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal. Republican analyst Rocío Vélez and Democratic analyst Federico de Jesús give us their thoughts. VIDEO: La campaña republicana después del debate | Política

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Sin Censura: Federico A de Jesús sobre el debate demócrata

Sin Censura: Federico A de Jesús on Democratic Debate “I think it was a very interesting debate compared to the circus we saw from the Republicans,” said the public affairs consultant, who worked in the 2008 Obama campaign, on the Democratic Debate.” “Yo creo fue un debate muy interesante comparado al circo que vimos con […]

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NTN24: El Papa pintó un cuadro distinto de la historia del inmigrante”

NTN24: The Pope painted a different picture of immigrants’ history” Federico de Jesús, political analyst and former campaign advisor for Barack Obama in 2008, affirmed in “La Tarde de NTN24” that “the Pope spoke about immigrants in a very personal way that I hope touches the souls of some politicians.” “The Republican party has not […]

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NBC News – Puerto Rico Governor Warns Creditors: Islanders Come First

Federico de Jesus, a political media strategist based in Washington, D.C., said García Padilla appeared emboldened in his speech, perhaps because Puerto Rico was able to negotiate a deal on a portion of the debt owed by the electric power authority to its bondholders. García Padilla said he agreed with union leaders who have publicly […]

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Univisión: El pasado político de Hillary Clinton afecta su campaña presidencial

Univisión: Hillary Clinton’s political past affects her presidential campaign This new batch consists of 4,368 emails and 7,000 pages, the greatest number published to date. Este nuevo paquete consiste en 4,368 e-mails en unas 7,000 páginas, la mayor cifra publicada hasta la fecha. El pasado político de Hillary Clinton afecta su campaña presidencial

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